But There You Go

But There You Go” – Chandler Travis Three-O – from “Small Potatoes (The Incredible Expanding Album)” – recorded at Babyland, fall, 2021, with Rikki Bates on drums.

Occasionally during the pandy, someone would suggest that I write a song addressing the situation, and I usually resisted; in particular, I never wanted to use the word “Covid” in a song, and never did (I feel similarly about the words “blog” and “wellness”; the first two just sound awful, and the last is two syllables where one – “health” does fine.) But I did eventually write a real long one about it called “What I Want” (from “SOTW 2020”, and useless now, because it mentions our president at the time, though not by name, thank god, Trump being another word (and person) I always avoided like the plague, and then when that whole situation went on way too long I eventually succumbed to writing another, kinda. This one’s much less specific, but still pretty whiny, but sometimes it was just hard to keep that mood at bay- sorry, world! 

But There You Go

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