“One Step Forward” – Travis & Shook, probably recorded at Kelp Manore in 1994.
Recently dug up kind of a nice Travis & Shook track I’d forgotten about completely, “One Step Forward” (not to be confused with the Three-O’s “One Step Forward” on their debut CD, “This is What Bears Look Like Underwater”– completely different song.) And I really liked it, so figured I’d just pop it on at the end of our latest release, “Memoirs of an Opening Act”, as a bonus track, because that’s the kind of whacky thing you can do on the WorldWide InterNet, you can just add a track to some album you did years ago, FOR NO GOOD REASON! Coool! It’s all free anyway- who cares?
As I say, I’d completely forgotten about it, but it’s got to be a cover, though I have no idea of who at all- so embarrassing, this has literally never happened to me before that I couldn’t figure out what the original song/artist was at all! So stupid, but I’m gonna keep working on it (just not very hard). But I think it’s probably a Jamaican thing, maybe a reggae rhythm… got to track it down , this is crazy! Help!
Does anyone know this song? The legendary Mad Dog Hart of Rye, NH has typically solved this mystery: the original “One Step Forward” was recorded in Jamaica around 1991 by Leonard Dillon, so at least I was right about the country of origin and general drift… brain cells vanishing, YAAYYY!!
But, hey, not bad! Terrific song, not too badly ruined!