Happy Birthday Rose

Happy Birthday Rose” – C.T. with Berke McKelvey on woodwinds and keys.

Rose is our 10 year old occasional lead singer from Brussels, who just broke through to double digits last March 18, so of course we wanted to observe the occasion somehow, and I thought of the song I’d recorded for my dad, the legendary Bip Travis (bless his soul!) in 2011 for his ninetieth, “Happy Birthday Paw”, and figured, well, they both pretty much like the same things, this will be fine with just a few minor changes, and voila: “Happy Birthday, Rose”!

Then I think Rose’s lovely ma, Christine, wondered if I could also send her a video, and I ended up shooting the accompanying vid the same week we got our new puppy, Quintron the Dragon, so of course decided she should star; this also makes for a good lead-in for next week’s exciting all-dog release (more on that below), and the vid also includes footage of the CTP Trombone Shout band from one of our appearances at the Chatham 4th of July parade (still not sure whether it’s on again this year or not, we’ll see…)

Anyway, shouldn’t a tenth birthday be celebrated year round? HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE!!!

(And if anyone else needs a birthday song and/or vid for someone between 10 and 90, we’ve got you covered, just drop me a line…)  

Happy Birthday Rose
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One thought on “Happy Birthday Rose

  • May 23, 2021 at 11:35 am

    Your music always brings joy! Thanks, Chandler…it’s blaring loud and clear a few blocks down the road from you.My favorite of all time is walking backward from the Sunset.

    Hope you have a great summer!
    Congrats on your new dragon pup!


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