A-Tiskit, A-Tasket

I don’t know if anyone else has this problem (well, actually, I do know it’s something I share with my friend Alastair Moock, and I suspect we’re not the only ones): for the last few years, whenever I plug my iphone into my car stereo, it automatically plays the first song in its alphabet, which is a relatively recent (and totally fabulous) live version of “A-Tisket, A-Tasket, I’ve Lost My Yellow Basket” by the great Ella Fitzgerald, who had her first big hit with it back in the thirties with Chick Webb. Both versions are completely brilliant, but I’ve now heard this more recent version literally hundreds of times, as in way way way way too many. It frequently causes me to swear at Ella, loudly and repeatedly, which she doesn’t deserve, but then again, I’m not sure I do, either- believe me, there’s not many songs you’d want to hear less if you’re in a crappy mood than “A-Tisket, A-Tasket.”

Anyway, this has been a problem for many years (however admittedly solvable- after all, I could delete it, but that’s not very respectful either)… sometimes, the best revenge is to sing harmony, especially seeing as I’ve come to know this one by heart and then some. (Shh! Don’t tell anyone about this! It’s strictly a Song of the Weak problem, won’t be appearing on any of our SOTW collections, no money needs to change hands; I’m hopeful that the ghost of Ms. Fitzgerald, and both her current fans and the ghosts of her departed ones don’t spend too much time revolving as a result of this sacrilege.)

“A-Tiskit, A-Tasket”

In other news along these lines, Moock says he’s discovered a solution for the “A-Tiskit A-Tasket” virus, which he outlines this way: “Download this track: https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-a-a-a-a-very-good-song-silent-track-single/1268932999. It’s 10 minutes of silence and will always come up as the first song on your iPhone. Worth every penny… Also, it’s free.”

Thanks; this has been very cleansing for me!

A-Tiskit, A-Tasket

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