She’s Still All I’ve Got

She’s Still All I’ve Got” – Travis & Shook, sometime in the seventies, probably recorded at Mt. Cod; from the upcoming album, “Memoirs Of an Opening Act.”

One of my most genius friends is Steve Shook (aka Irving Smeckman, Dirty Dirt the Jerk, Smecky, Stupid Steve the Stinkbomb, Emilio “Bugface” Rabinowitz, and many others), who plays guitar just like a guy who spent some of his formative years in Venezuala and Italy, processing the British Invasion.

I forgot all about this song until I ran across it a few weeks ago in one of P.J. O’Connell’s many compilations; I really owe PJ a lot of gratitude for wrassling with our massive catalog, which at the time (20 years ago or so) was only on a motley assortment of since-abandoned digital and analog formats (DATs, cassettes, beta videos, etc.); nowadays, the pile of compilation CDs he made is my easiest access to a whole bunch of old Casuals and Travis Shook stuff… sure miss that boy for a lot of other reasons, too.!

Anyway, Steve n I was partners for years, late sixties through early eighties, in Travis & Shook, Travis Shook & the Club Wow, and the first couple versions of the Incredible Casuals, and we’re still partners spiritually (if you can seriously even use that word in connection with me); I’m still always trying to get him to play with me, and only recently has he finally come up with a really good excuse not to (that whole “cheating death” virus-y thing.)

That’s ok; I’m a very patient man.

She’s Still All I’ve Got
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2 thoughts on “She’s Still All I’ve Got

  • May 8, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    That is real pretty


  • May 8, 2020 at 11:33 pm

    That is real pretty
    Yeah i’ll say it again


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