“Softly in the Night” – the Chandler Travis Philharmonic at Herring Cove, Sept. 4, 2016, shot (and originally broadcast live!)by Belinda.
I think this is the third song we’ve put up from this particular show, and we’ve put up other vids from previous Herring Cove shows -they’re just always a blast, and that whole sunset deal tends to make them extra photogenic!
Note: about two minutes in, you’ll see Fred and me doing this little dance that he usually does with Dinty, but now that Dinty’s off being popular with Session Americana so much of the time, Fred is forced to re-enact it with me, who isn’t nearly as good at it as the Dintster… so if you get to see us do this with Dinty sometime, revel in how much better Dinty does it (dammit!)