“I Got to Move“- Lester – recorded by Chris Blood at Trout Towers, circa 1992. Lester was a fabulous little band that only lasted a couple years in the early nineties, comprised of Steve Wood, Jay Cournoyer, Cliff Letsche, and myself. We made one album, the eponymously entitled “Lester”, that eventually came out as part of the RadioBall series in 2000 (RadioBall #22), and that I still love (despite my rather gadget-y guitar sound on it), and I always loved our version of this one, enough that we recently pressed it back into service with the Catbirds.
By the way, the song was originally inspired by my dad’s frustration with my mom frequently taking a little longer than he wanted to get ready to go somewhere -it became kind of a tradition.
I could’ve sworn that “I Got To Move” was on the “Lester” album, but turns out it never actually got released until now -better late than never!
Also, just for fun, we’re including a song that was on the “Lester” album, “Human Man Beast“, one of Steve “Woo Woo” Wood’s most immortal compositions (including, as it does, the great line “I’m a large candy” -so true!) I’m also rather proud of my guitar solo, which may be the only one of mine that’s ever been somewhat “officially” released.
Note further the early appearance on the album’s cover of one Slammy Wood, who later went on to become almost everyone’s drummer. And he seemed so innocent at the time!