“Ruby My Dove” -CT demo, recorded a few hours ago on April 25th here at Kasa Kelp; not finished yet or anything, just a chorus and verse w whistling. Add me to the long list of idiots writing songs about their dogs (Ruby being a new arrival this winter.) (Actually, that’s a list I’ve been on for quite a while anyway, no big deal…)
And by the way, my wife and I both describe Ruby as The Worst Dog We’ve Ever Had, -destructive, won’t come, won’t cuddle for long, big pain in the ass -I just needed a lyric, it’s all lies. She is cute, though. Little jerk.
Home demo of “Ruby My Dove”
Me like. Me like very much. Woof.
Brewster & Ollie agree it’s pawsitively their favorite song!
Gail Perkins