Steve Shook Debut CD – Dignify

Dignify Album CoverWe here at Chandler Travis World Headquarters are excited to tell you that our good friend Steve Shook (Chandler’s musical partner for many years, both in Travis, Shook & the Club Wow and the Incredible Casuals) has released his debut CD, “Dignify”.

The CD includes 6 tracks and was produced by Kimon Kirk (who had a short tenure playing with us) and features our good friend Jennifer Kimball (who can be heard dueting with Chandler on “Taoist Vacation with Mashenka‘ from “The Chandler Travis Philharmonic BLOWS!“), fab accordionist Sonny Barbato, guitarist extrordinaire Duke Levine, NRBQ‘s Terry Adams (who played the piano on “What’ll it Be” from the debut CTP album “Let’s Have a Pancake“), as well as our very own Rikki Bates and Berke McKelvey.

The album features Steve’s distinct songwriting and guitar playing and includes both new songs (“That Won’t Do”, “Be My Love”) as well as reworkings of songs that have seen the light of day in the past (“Surrounded By Love” and “It Don’t Really Matter” were both part of the Inedible Casseroles series of cassettes released by the Casuals and Chandler recorded the latter on his debut solo album “writer-songsinger“; “Are You Sure” appeared in ska form on the Casuals “Let’s Go!  Summer Fun Maxi-EP“; and “Ask Too Much” was recorded by Chandler on his most recent latest solo CD “After She Left“).

Steve’s album is available on CD from CDBaby and in all sorts of digital formats from Bandcamp.  Buy your copies early & often!

Steve Shook Debut CD – Dignify

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