There are some excellent photos from our recent performance at Riverlink Park in Amsterdam, NY over at the Grove Street Photographer blog by photographer Gerald Skrocki.
“Amsterdam’s Riverlink Park Concert Series kicked off Saturday evening with the return of the Chandler Travis Philharmonic. With over two hundred people in attendance, the overcast sky finally gave way to a little sunshine for the evening performance. After smoothing out a few glitches with the sound and the interruption of a train passing by, the band performed their repertoire of fun and familiar tunes enticing a few brave souls to dance. Riverlink Park looked great with a few safety hazards covered by orange cones. There were two boats docked at the park on the Mohawk River. Surprisingly, the new docks budgeted for and ordered by the City’s Recreation Director are still not here; but I digress….on with the show this is it!”
Check out Gerald’s pictures here
Thank you for mentioning my blog!
Jerry Skrocki
Sure thing, Jerry! Thanks for taking so many great pix!