We’re going to try to bring you semi-regular notes from the road during the CTP ‘n’ 3 2011 Southern Matrimonial Tour, with reports, pictures, and interviews by various band members. Then again, maybe this will be the only update, best laid plans and whatnot …
This is from the Valet and can also be found on his blog, ValetConfidential
Before any tour or out-of-town performance I have some freakout period. With basic out-of-town gigs, it’s a fairly low-key freakout, really just a matter of trying to stick to a routine and not think too much about things. With tours, however, things can get pretty nuts in my head – especially when hitting the road for 2+ weeks. Three weeks ago it seemed like I had all the time in the world to prep for the tour – but then suddenly it was a week ago and my brain started a-whir, there just seemed so much to worry about. Then finally I made a checklist (lists help) and really, it seemed all do-able. From then on, the days flickered from manic to calm. With the huge help of Belinda from Bubbles in the Think Tank, we managed to launch a new web store for Chandler’s merchandise, including high-quality downloads of (soon) all the albums. We even have new T-shirts that we’ll be selling at tour dates (and online after we get back).
And now, I even have time to write this missive.
Because we have gear for the full Philharmonic (the rest of the boys are meeting us in Mobile, AL next Friday), the Three-O is traveling in two vehicles – Chandler’s car and Berke’s van. Tonight I’m in Berke’s van along with John and Berke’s plan is to drive straight through to West Virginia. We’re lucky to have two drivers, Berke & Chandler, who can drive for hours & hours. So the plan is to get into Charleston, WV early afternoon, check into the hotel, nap & shower, and then go the hour to Huntington, WV for stop one of the tour, at Black Sheep Burrito & Brew.
I sure do like burritos.